Influence the Parents to have a BIGGER impact on the Students!

Students will most likely become their parents.
Parents have the BIGGEST influence on their students.

What are we doing right now to encourage the parents? What are we doing to help the single parent or the uncle or grandparent with their student? These are questions we need to ask ourselves.

The average church only has 40 hours in a given year to influence a life.

The average parent has 3,000 hours per year to influence a life. (Think Orange)

“The greatest gift a church can give parents is the CONFIDENCE and COURAGE to do what GOD has wired them to DO.” –Reggie Joiner

For the longest time, I never thought about this. I only thought about the students but never realized how much a student could change if their mom or dad loved Jesus more.

Send your parents not only weekly emails about what’s going on in the Student Ministry but send emails encouraging them to continue to love and disciple their students.

Send your parents a mass text each week with an encouraging Bible verse or something that keeps them going!

Do you have a parent resource page on your website where parents can go to know of some websites that might help them disciple their student? Here is a sample one that we are still working on:

Have a Facebook group for your parents where you can encourage them daily!
We must realize that if we impact the parents they in return can change their student’s life!

A student might not worship because they never see their dad get excited about worshipping but if you get that dad to see how important worship is then the student will see how important worship is.

We should want the parents to teach their student how to tithe, worship, read the Bible, pray, share their faith, and live for Jesus.

Find ways to constantly encourage your parents. It starts in the home. Students are born into the home not church.

How are you influencing your parents in your Student Ministry? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Michael Hux is the Student Pastor of Team Church in Matthews, NC.

Connect with Michael on Twitter or Instagram: @_Hux