The other day Bekah called me while I was at work. She needed me to come home. Not that it had been a particularly rough day, or that she was feeling sick. She just needed me home.

I had a million things to do.

I’ve never been able to look at my desk/computer/to do list at the end of the day and say “Well, that about wraps it up. I don’t have anymore work to do!”

It’s always some form of “Well, this will have to be where I stop today. I’ll pick it back up tomorrow.”

When Bekah called I had more than one thing I was working on finishing from the day before. I was getting swamped and a big retreat was coming up in the next few weeks.

But I went home anyways.

Did it mean I had a lot of catching up to do the next day?


Did it mean that I would be staying up late after everyone had gone to bed to try to work some after hours?

Yes sir.

Did it mean that I would be worrying if I was actually going to make the deadlines I needed to?

You bet.

I showed one of her texts to a friend, the one that came before the call, the one that said “Please come home. I just want you home.”  What got me out of my office chair and into my truck were his words: “You don’t know how lucky you are man. I’m not getting those kinds of texts.”

My keys were in my hand and I was out the door.

To all youth pastors and other husbands out there:

Make your wife your number one priority. You’ll always have more work. You’ll always have another deadline. You’ll always need to get just one more thing done.

But you’ll never get another chance at making your wife feel loved and special TODAY.

Grab the keys.

Head on home.

Ronald is a follower of Jesus who’s married to Bekah, father to two beautiful girls and a chronic writer. He blogs at and tweets from @ronald_long. When’s he has free time, he plays with his kids, goes for a run, or plays video games. If you’re interested in some of his bible study material, check out