Here you will find my notes from Tullians message at #NYWC

We have a problem fully embracing Gods grace. We like to replace what He has DONE with what we have to DO.

We like to replace “it is finished,” with “we need to accomplish.” Then in our attempts to produce and be approved by God we turn to our good works to pump up our self worth and value.

When we do this we have created idols of worship that pale in comparison to the inexhaustible grace and mercy of Jesus Christ.

“We are idol making factories” -John Calvin

We tend to make idols out of anything and everything. Even our performance as pastors and youth pastors becomes our idol. We get bent on fixing people and fail to realize that WE can’t fix people. Furthermore, the fact that WE are trying to fix people demonstrates that we are idolaters and and aren’t even “fixed” ourselves!

Even our best attempts to glorify God are steeped in selfishness. Therefore we are fully dependent on Christ to redeem and cover even our attempts to glorify Him.

You are not good enough. You will NEVER be, but this is why we believe in His substitution for us. He achieved, accomplished, and finished what we could never do, which is our righteousness.