How you enter a ministry will say a lot about who you are, how you operate, and what you want to accomplish. As Will Rodgers said, “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” Have a clear and organized communication strategy will help you hit the ground running in your new ministry position.

Transition in Youth Ministry Part 4

Below you will find the communication strategy I used in my recent ministry transition. Five weeks in, I have initiated everything on this list. Am I finished? By no means! But I have started conversations and stated the ball rolling on all six of the following:

New Job Communication Strategy

  1. Expectations of your Senior Leaders
    1. What should my first 30 days look like?
    2. Who should I get to know first?
  2. Get to know your volunteers/youth staff
    1. Get to know their thoughts/concerns/vision
      1. Hold a leader meeting
      2. Start scheduling individual coffee/lunch/dinner meetings
  3. Get to know the parents
    1. Cast Vision for partnership
      1. Ask for stage time to exhort parents
        1. Explain that generational faith takes a community
        2. Ask them to join the effort/volunteer
      2. Set a communication plan (email, texting, trainings, seminars)
        1. Monthly Newsletter, parent trainings each semester, texts as needed
  4. Get to know students
    1. Identify key connectors (Who will help you get to know groups?)
    2. Build a Student Leadership Team or recruit high school interns
      1. Use them to foster community and develop ideas
    3. What schools are represented? Can you get on campus?
      1. FCA, Games, Lunches, Recitals, etc.
    4. Set a communication strategy (texting, social media)
      1. Texting every week with encouragement & announcements
      2. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Group, or whatever their using next.
  5. Get to know the children’s ministry/staff
    1. How can the children’s ministry and student ministry work together?
    2. What is the overall goal, strategy, and plan to develop the next generation?
    3. What can you do for the other ministries of the church?
  6. Get to know local youth pastors
    1. Start or find a local youth worker network
      1. Ask about successes and struggles in the area
      2. Make friends…you’ll need them!

What am I missing? What did you do in your first month on the job that helped set you up for long-term success? Comment below!

Need a full transition strategy? Check out my previous posts on this topic:

Part 1: Question Everything
Part 2: Leave Faithfully
Part 3: Entering a Youth Ministry

[guestpost]David Headshot

David Hanson: Texas native, Texas Tech Red Raider, M.Div. at Truett Seminary, husband to Ashley, father to Ava & Ben, Student Pastor at The Fellowship in Round Rock, Tx, table tennis (ping-pong) extraordinaire, addicted to coffee. For anything else…you’ll just have to ask.

