Want Students To Read God’s Word?

Many students see the Bible like they see a Stephen King novel. They look at it and think there are so many pages with no pictures. They think to themselves I have no clue where to start. They think there is no way I could tackle such a massive book.

If we want students to be passionate about Jesus, we have to get them in the Word.

If we want students to begin to walk, talk, and think like Jesus we must get them in the Word.

Gods Word is what changes us from the inside out so we must get students in the Word!!

So how do you get them to into the Word??? BUY DEVOTIONALS!!!!!

-Include Devotionals in your cost when you go to Summer Camp or go on a Retreat and hand them out to every student. Have them begin to start their devotional at camp and encourage them after camp to read their DEVOTIONALS!!

Make reading Gods Word EXCITING by asking your students to take pictures of their daily time with God on instagram and twitter, then BRAG on them!! Get the WHOLE STUDENT MINISTRY in on it!!!

-Send out daily texts, tweets, instagram posts encouraging them to STAY in their Devotional. Challenge the parents to challenge their students to STAY in the WORD and hold them ACCOUNTABLE!! Some parents can even do the devotional with them!!

-Make getting a DEVOTIONAL EASY by purchasing some for your Student Ministry and asking parents to buy them!! Then they don’t have to go to Lifeway and its right there for them!

-Make sure to GET a 60 day Devotional to start out so they can see a goal and feel like it can be accomplished!! Here’s a strong recommendation for a DEVOTIONAL http://www.christianbooksbibles.com/product-p/9780310730040.htm

I truly believe you can get students EXCITED about Gods Word!!! Watch God transform their lives right in front of you as they ENJOY reading GODS WORD!! Watch them HUNGER and THIRST after Gods Word!!


Michael Hux is the Student Pastor of Team Church in Matthews, NC.

Connect with Michael on Twitter or Instagram: @_Hux

Take your Student Ministry to the Next Level

Just like in the business world where people need goals, students need goals!

Just like in the business world where people need to see the vision of where they are going, students need to see your vision and where you are going!

Where there is no VISION, the people PERISH.” Proverbs 29:18

Would the students in your student ministry be able to describe in two words WHY you have STUDENT MINISTRY.

Our students, I believe now, after launching a VISION NIGHT, understand we do student ministry for two words: LIFE CHANGE!!

JESUS specializes in LIFE CHANGE and HE is our ULTIMATE EXAMPLE!!

So before you kickoff your spring season of Student Ministry or Fall Season of Student Ministry have a VISION NIGHT for your students!

At the VISION Night:

  • Ask your students, “Why do we have Student Ministry?”
  • Give them goals such as: “I want us to reach 50 students for Christ”, or “100 students for Christ” depending on the size of your Student Ministry.
  • Ask them, “Do you want your friends to feel welcomed and feel like this is a place they could belong?” Then, challenge them to welcome their friends at the door before walking into where you meet.
  • Have a guest tent that makes new people feel welcome. Read an email or mention a phone call from a student who walked in one night and didn’t feel welcome so they take it personally.
  • Rally your seniors together and encourage them to lead the Student Ministry. Ask those seniors, “What do you want to see happen in your last year in the Student Ministry?” Give them ownership!

When students are passionate about Jesus, long to see their friends lives changed, and want your student ministry to feel like the most welcoming, most friendly place on the planet, I believe your Student Ministry can go to the Next Level!!

Many of these ideas came from reading Jeanne Mayo’s book “Thriving Youth Groups!!” It is a must buy!!!

What this all boils down to is getting your students to BUY IN to the student ministry vision and BUY IN to WHY you do what you do!

Michael Hux is the Student Pastor of Team Church in Matthews, NC.

Connect with Michael on Twitter or Instagram: @_Hux