TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

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In Session 7 of the Podcast, David talks about 4 things you can do when talking with students who feel called into ministry. Behind students surrendering their life to the Lord, students surrendering to to a life of ministry is one of the coolest things a Youth Pastor can experience.

After listening to this session, you will be better prepared to walk with students who feel this calling because you will:


1. Affirm Their Thinking Process
2. Point Them To Scripture
3. Help Them Examine Their Gifting
4. Help Them Start With Baby Steps

Action Items:

1. Give the podcast a Rating and Review on iTunes so that other Youth Pastors can find us!
2. What else will you do for students who feel called into ministry? Comment Below!

TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

TYMB 006: Theology and Youth Ministry

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CLICK HERE to listen in iTunes!

In this session of the podcast I discuss theology and the role of theology in youth ministry.

While your listening, read this post by Josh Robinson that sparked this discussion.

A Couple of Points:

  • Theology divides
  • Division without love is dangerous
  • Theology in important
  • Theology without action is harmful.
  • We are called to worship God with our minds.
  • Our theology should lead us to further love God and love others.

The Role of Theology in Youth Ministry:

Read this post on How I am training Small Group Leaders in theology and doctrine.

We must transform the way we are training our leaders and volunteers! Don’t just teach them how to “fit in.” Teach them how and what to teach. Here are some good resources to get the ball rolling…

1. Christian Belief: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know by Wayne Grudem – 9 bucks & streamlined
2. Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem – more robust but $32 bucks
3. Taking Theology to Youth Ministry by Andrew Root – youth centered & $11 bucks

(Complete Transparency – The above links are affiliate links, which means I get a few cents if you buy a book. This goes toward keeping The Youth Ministry Blog awesome, so thanks in advance if you chose to get one! I only offer resources I believe will be helpful for you.) 

Action Items:

1. Give the podcast a Rating and Review on iTunes so that other Youth Pastors can find us!
2. Examine your recent preaching and curriculum. What theology or doctrine have you hit? What have you NEVER addressed? How can you become intentional in your theological approach to youth ministry?

TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

TYMB 005: Youth Ministry Chat with Josh Robinson

[powerpress url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/theyouthministryblog/05_TYMB_005__Youth_Ministry_Chat_with_Josh_Robinson.mp3″]


  • The more time you spend in ministry, the LESS events you want to do.
  • Do fewer events and make them higher quality.
  • Put more energy & resources into your WEEKLY ministry.
  • Don’t Event yourself to death.
  • We don’t have to keep our students busy to protect them from the world!
  • “Your job is to mobilize students & volunteers to fulfill God’s calling on their life.”

These are just a FEW of the tips Josh offered us! Take a listen for yourself!

Also, check out Josh’s blog!

We would love to hear from you! Please rate & leave a comment if this podcast was helpful!

TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

TYMB 004: Interview with Josh Evans

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On Session 4 of The Youth Ministry Blog Podcast, we welcome Josh Evans of Union Grove Baptist Church who discusses the ups and downs he has seen in his Student Leadership Team. In addition, he discusses interesting ways he is reaching the schools in his area.


– Use your Student Leadership Team to develop students who you want other students to follow.
– Where there is no leadership, there is no direction.
– We must call leadership OUT of students, not just expect them to stand up and lead.
– Inviting students into our homes is a great way to break down barriers and build trust.
– You won’t know about the needs of a school until you ask them!

Way too much to summarize in a few lines, click Play below!

Also, go to iTunes and give us a rating and review. We want to hear from YOU! (You can give us a ranking & review from the iTunes application. GO HERE then click “View in iTunes,” then “Ratings & Reviews.” We appreciate your feedback!

TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

TYMB 003: 6th Graders & Parents

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Welcome to The 3rd Youth Ministry Blog Podcast!


1. Do a meet-n-greet for 6th Graders (or whatever your transition grade might be).

Regardless of when students enter your area of ministry, you will want to do some form of Meet-n-Greet event. If you are a high school pastor, use it to get to know your incoming Freshmen and their parents. If you are in “tweener” ministry with 4th & 5th graders, do it to help parents terrified their “little baby” is growing up.

2. Use it to establish rapport with parents!

Building trust and rapport with parents is crucial. Make sure the first experience they have with you (and your ministry) is a positive and encouraging one. Use this time to cast vision for the parents. Project where you would like to see little Johnny be by the time he exits your ministry. Tell them what you hope to accomplish, how you can work as a team, and what resources are available to them. When you end your time with these new parents, make sure you make yourself available. Let the parents know they can come to you at ANY time, not just after little Johnny gets caught __________.

3. Use it to get to know your new students.

If you have been working in tandem with your Children’s ministry, then many of the students might already know you. Use this time to get to know them a little better. Break down some of the walls they might have built about how “scary” the student ministry can be. Give them something like a t-shirt from a past event, a youth ministry sticker, really anything free will go a long way with new students!

4. Resources:

MailChimp Email Service – Free & Easy way to start a Newsletter to parents!

Parent Point Card – Download and print on card stock.

Parent Point PNG – Use this to brand your parent communications

Share the Love:

1. Subscribe to the Podcast

2. Leave me an honest review

TYMB 007: Students Called Into Ministry

TYMB 002: Sending Students Back to School

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Welcome to the 2nd Youth Ministry Blog Podcast!


1. Do a Back to School Event:

  • Prayer Time
  • Focused Small Group
  • “Launch” Event – Send them into school equipped to start a bible study or prayer time.

We have seen so many students impacted and encouraged by sending students out to do a Bible Study, get this, IN THEIR SCHOOL! Jesus cannot be taken out of schools if our students, who bear the image and spirit of Christ, are IN those schools! What would it look like for you to empower your students to DO ministry on their mission field?

2. Encourage Students in their gifting:

Teach your students that ministry is not just a small group or prayer time! What do your students like to do? Where are their giftings? How can they use them to glorify Christ? I have a student who started rapping for Jesus, check out Adrian Stresow below! He’s only a sophomore! What?!

Call to Action:

1. Comment below: How are you equipping your students to share and live the gospel in their schools?

2. Follow The Youth Ministry Blog on Twitter to stay up to date on what we have going on!